In truth, this blog has nothing at all to do with womtailbats, but when I was thinking of a title, that came to mind. I don't even know if there IS such a thing as a womtailbat! But here shown below, you can at least see a wet cat.... who remarkably managed to dry himself very fast.
But I digress.... Today was rather.... odd for a humpday. ( you know the day in the middle of the week... you head up the hump to Wednesday and head down the hump to Sabbath).
Sometime ago I agreed to take my neighbor NOW AND THEN to the kindergarten so she didn't have to take the bus and get stranded in town for hours each morning. I mean like... once a in a while, and she offered to pay gas for the trips I took her on. No problem... I thought. But somehow she got the idea that it should be a daily arrangement, and I am not so fond of that idea. Today was once such day. I was not feeling well yesterday, so I had my husband tell her I was still in bed when she came to ask me to take them. So this morning I got up, even though I didn't know if I was working or not, and got ready to take them. After waiting 40 mins and not seeing a sign of them, I crawled back in bed to rest. It was rather annoying because I could have slept.
I got up and worked on my project that NEVER seems to end... you know the embroidery project? and then went in to town for a couple of errands. One of which was picking up a couple of new books at the library! To bad there is only two more in the series I am reading :( and the library isn't sure they have last one yet as it just came out. Finished my other errand and came home. I had just gotten settled in my chair when we got a call from a friend to come help her plant her fruit trees..... SO we got up and spent 2 hours helping her get them in. Only three weren't finished today due to the bad weather that had crept over the landscape from them oment we started.
We got home soaked from the rain and hail, but thankful we had managed to get most of them planted. Then we warmed up in a shower, and washed the cats. Tigger had crawled in bed with me last night and smelled horrid, so it was a must.....
And now we are sitting by a cozy fire, smelling the fresh sent of our wet cats, thankfly I lke the smell of their shampoo which is made for pets, and waitng for diner to be finished!
And there's the buzzer! FOOOOOOOD time!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Days that seem to speed on by
Can you believe is April already? I mean, wasn't it just December last week? I don't know about the rest of you, but it seems like so much has happened the past four months that a whole year could have gone by, and yet if you turn over the coin it seems like time is just flying by.
Today I woke up at 10. Actually I was before that, but I laid in bed cuddling my cat, snuggled up next to my husband, listening to the birds chirping outside. Then I got up, made myself a hot drink, and took my bible out side to read in the early morning sun. Tasia, my cat, was rather active so I put her on her leash and took her out to play in the dew strewn grass. I got about an hour of reading in before the neighbor girl saw me sitting outside and headed over to say hello. She is rather loud and rambunctious, but this time she came quietly and Tasia let her pet her. It was rather cute.
I suppose it sounds odd that I woke up at 10 on a Sunday morning, but yesterday we went with some friends to an evening meeting. A speaker from the states was vising someone she knew so she asked if we all wanted to go and hear what he had to say. I had already heard what he was sharing in the final two meetings, but there is something to be said for hearing things you already know from another perspective. He did make some good points, however, about how our out ward shows of religious fervor should be toned back, and in many cases should be considered for private worship rather than the possibility of doing such behaviors and being seen as being prideful, or merely wishing to show off or even imitate others. I of course just now reworded it, but the way he put it was rather well put and stuck with me.
I think its fascinating how you can get a group of strangers in a home, or some small area and they just seem to mesh into this mass of interesting conversations. Last night, amid all the conversations, a Tom turkey was strutting around proudly announcing to the world that 7 little ones had hatched the night before. I am quite sure many in the room thought I was rather odd as I had a very hard time keeping my grins to myself each time he gobbled. After most of the people had traveled home, one of the ladies came out with two brand new kittens. They were adorable.
Today I started spring cleaning in our bedroom. I aired out the blankets, changed the sheets, swept, vacuumed and mopped the floor/carpet and washed down the rails, walls and side tables. Got the kitchen started too. I am not done with either room, but at least they are started and looking and feeling much better. I have decided that we need to sort through the house. we have to many things. But that will take time.
One accomplishment lately is that I have read 4 and 1/2 books in the past month. I haven't been doing a lot of reading lately, so to have that many in a month is a positive thing for me. I even ordered myself a book from a series I read a bit from in college just because. It's been like 4 years since I bought my self a "play" book. I have also been reading a book called "Is it really that simple? - a biblical look on healing the mind." i'm afraid I don't recall who the author is right now, but its a case study a psychologist did on several patients where the normal way of treating a patient didn't work. I picked it up from a professional curiosity and as it was highly recommended by a counselor friend I know, I thought it would be an interesting read. So far it is. I am about half way through it.
And that's today's - Tea time for two...... what did you drink today?
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