Friday, December 6, 2013

Sabbath Blessings

.....I wish I could say I used lots of imagination, but the above picture is to spur you into using your imagination and perhaps you can see what I have been up to last little bit.

I wish I had taken notes over the time since September. I sort of did, if I went back and read all my conversations with Rhy, but I have not taken that time. So I will try to remember. Most likely what I remember is the most important anyway!

In September i wrote and posted pictures of my garden. It was such a little thing, but I must admit I was quite proud of the results. It was a thrill to bring produce from my own garden to the table.

I had an interview in September. This picture was taken moments before I left. I felt good that day, and the interview went well. However after talking aback and forth through the month Kyrre and I decided that the amount of money being put out to get to the job, or to move and the amount of stress I would have to go through at the job was not worth the small amount of income I would have left. So we turned down the job.

Kyrre and I attended a family outing with his extended family. I was rather annoyed that because Kyrre has gained so much weight since his cancer treatments some of his family members felt he over ate, and made small hurtful remarks in that directions. I was humored however when watching the plates of food they consumed to Kyrres 2 rather modest ones.
Pond at the family gathering

My favorite picture of the year. I took this.

During my time of waiting for work, yes I managed to get a sub job as a kindergarten teacher with a sub agency, I was privileged to attend hydrotherapy classes at the Bible school. It was over two weeks, and I attend each class. I do have one more hydrotherapy practical application to go through as it conflicted with a physical therapist appointment, but I passed the class and will get credit towards Wildwoods online classes if I choose to take them. Here is the set up for the days practical.

Teachers demonstrating the first hydro treatment

I enjoyed the classes, however I managed to break a blood vessel in my finger this day. No idea how.

It healed quickly due to the fact that during the hydro treatment I simultaneously did hot and cold treatments on this finger for 3 hours. I didn't realise til I got home that broken the vessel.

Its been quiet other wise. I have had some very positive times with Vivians mother the past few months as she has needed help, or wanted company. It is not perfect. I still have to gauge her carefully at times, as she can change her mood towards me with the weather.... but I am thankful that I can keep my promise to Vivian. If things should ever change, I will continue to pray for her.

The last fun event was a party we attended for friends at Church. She was turning 40, he 50 and they had been married 10 years... so it was a 100year party. It was a long one, 6 hours, but I was in attendance with my husband and Vivians mom and w all had a blast. These were our place markers.

Its been a good couple months. Thankfully my grieving stage has passed, although I still miss Vivian and will do so probably until time comes to a close. I have seen and experienced lots of fun things and look forward to more. I have been studying the bible a lot these past months and found things I had never known before. I am excited to be learning and look forward to learning more.

Today I got a call from a friend inviting us to Sabbath dinner, and another Friend dropped by with food. We are also being loaned some money... so my weird paycheck mishap has been covered. Wasn't going to get it until January! So we have food, and gas money to last until I get paid again at the end of the month. Praise God for that!

Oh ! We got our first snow today. So pretty.

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