Thursday, May 8, 2014

Gardening... cats.. and badgers

Its been so cold lately, that I have to wonder what happened to our spring! We have even had frost a few nights.

Last week I saw what I thought was a new stray cat eating at our bread we had left out for the birds. Turns out it was a badger! I got to watch him for about an hour. He's been back a few times, although always after I have gone to bed. I am going to have to find a way to video him some time.

A friend has given us a section of land to loan for a garden spot! I am so excited. I know its going to be hard work, and its been ages since I have actually done any real gardening, but I am looking forward to the challenge. Today we bought the seed potatoes, and other seed we are going to put in. We have to break the ground, and hope to plant next week as it will be warming up.

My cats have decided that I don't need sleep lately. When my husband comes to bed, they decide I need to get up. I don't, and if I lay quietly enough they will eventually go and sleep at my feet. Tigger, my very gorgeous large male, is sitting on my lap watching me type.

Worked every day this week, although its only half days. Its been rather fun as I have had lots of energy to play with the kids. Looks like I could be working at this place for the next few weeks. I would love that.

The book I ordered a month ago came today. Its a fun little birthday present that cost me 11 buck including shipping. It's not intellectual like all the others I have been reading lately, and I got it for some down time. Have been reading a series lately, for teens, to help boost my vocab. Its been amusing, and relaxing.


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