Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wet cats and womtailbats

       In truth, this blog has nothing at all to do with womtailbats, but when I was thinking of a title, that came to mind. I don't even know if there IS such a thing as a womtailbat! But here shown below, you can at least see a wet cat.... who remarkably managed to dry himself very fast.

But I digress.... Today was rather.... odd for a humpday. ( you know the day in the middle of the week... you head up the hump to Wednesday and head down the hump to Sabbath).

Sometime ago I agreed to take my neighbor NOW AND THEN to the kindergarten so she didn't have to take the bus and get stranded in town for hours each morning. I mean like... once a in a while, and she offered to pay gas for the trips I took her on. No problem... I thought. But somehow she got the idea that it should be a daily arrangement, and I am not so fond of that idea. Today was once such day. I was not feeling well yesterday, so I had my husband tell her I was still in bed when she came to ask me to take them. So this morning I got up, even though I didn't know if I was working or not, and got ready to take them. After waiting 40 mins and not seeing a sign of them, I crawled back in bed to rest. It was rather annoying because I could have slept.

I got up and worked on my project that NEVER seems to end... you know the embroidery project? and then went in to town for a couple of errands. One of which was picking up a couple of new books at the library! To bad there is only two more in the series I am reading :( and the library isn't sure they have last one yet as it just came out. Finished my other errand and came home. I had just gotten settled in my chair when we got a call from a friend to come help her plant her fruit trees..... SO we got up and spent 2 hours helping her get them in. Only three weren't finished today due to the bad weather that had crept over the landscape from them oment we started.

We got home soaked from the rain and hail, but thankful we had managed to get most of them planted. Then we warmed up in a shower, and washed the cats. Tigger had crawled in bed with me last night and smelled horrid, so it was a must.....

And now we are sitting by a cozy fire, smelling the fresh sent of our wet cats, thankfly I lke the smell of their shampoo which is made for pets, and waitng for diner to be finished!

And there's the buzzer! FOOOOOOOD time!